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HPSR Teaching Blog

Transitioning from face-to-face to distance teaching and learning: where does one begin and what are key questions to consider?

Models of teaching and capacity building
       Transitioning to distance and e-learning: "rich pictures" from partners at the universities of Cape Town, Ghana and Nigeria (Enugu)  It is evident from our collaborations and international higher education debates that educators in the fields of Health Policy and Systems Research and Public Health are revisiting and re-thinking how they deliver and how students access post-graduate programmes. This includes making increasing use of distance/blen...

Sustaining capacity building using a social model: the case of Peoples-uni

Models of teaching and capacity building
While more educational institutions are experimenting with open educational resources and curriculum delivery via the internet, it is still far from being standard practice. In fact, working with open educational resources raises a number of key questions: How can one fund the development of such courses or the conversion of existing courses into open access? How does one ensure that the courses are updated over time, as they will inevitably change? Will such courses just be shared on the w...

A new guide for developing distance and online learning in post-graduate public health education for health systems development: philosophy and practice

Models of teaching and capacity building
What does the guide do?At the recent 4th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Vancouver, the School of Public Health at the University of the Western Cape launched a guide that seeks to support post-graduate educators who are developing courses and accompanying resources for distance, online and blended learning. Although it is clear from our collaborations and international debates that many educators in public health and health policy and systems research see the potential of d...