Mirzoev, T., Le, G., Green, A., Orgill, M., Komba, A., Esena, R.K., Nyapada, L., Uzochukwu, B., Amde, W.K, Nxumalo, N., Gilson, L. (2013). Assessment of Capacity for Health Policy and Systems Research and Analysis in Seven African Universities: Results from the CHEPSAA project. Health Policy and Planning; doi: 10.1093/heapol/czt065
This article reports the results of Health Policy and Systems Research (HPSR) capacity assets and needs assessments that were conducted by seven universities in Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania and South Africa. The assessments were conducted by the CHEPSAA partner organisations.
The assessments explored six themes related to capacity assets and needs:
- Leadership and governance;
- Organisations’ resources;
- The scope of HPSR teaching and research;
- Communication, networking and getting research into policy and practice (GRIPP);
- Demand for HPSR; and
- The resource environment.
Among other things, it reflects on the demand for HPSR teaching, the scarcity of networks that focus on supporting HPSR teaching, the available teaching infrastructure, and funding for teaching.
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