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Modules / Courses

Understanding and Analysing Health Policy: Distance Education Module

HPA distance module

It has been nearly a decade since the open access release of the highly regarded master's-level course Health Policy Analysis. The original open access materials supported the teaching of the course in a traditional face-to-face classroom setting.

Over the last few years, however, the School of Public Health, University of the Western Cape, South Africa has also taught this course as part of its distance education activities. This required the conversion of the original open access materials into a format that is appropriate to distance education.

We are now pleased to offer the 2016 version of the distance education materials for download by anyone who would like to offer this course via a distance learning platform. As before, the materials are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.5 License.

Please click here to download the Microsoft Word or PDF versions of the materials.